Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I feel like a Little Child...

Lunch with my dad's aunt Evila & cousin Dorita! 
Ajiaco!!! Yum. Reminds me of grandma's cooking.

This week went by so fast. I can’t even believe how fast it has gone by, like in a blink of an eye. It’s kinda scary. I hope these two years don’t pass by like that because I don’t ever want to leave. Haha. It’s crazy how happy I am here. It’s like the best of both worlds. One, I’m helping people, which is awesome; and two, I’m in flipping Cali, Colombia. Like every moment that passes I have this huge smile on my face because I think about how I’m in Cali. It’s crazy. It’s like i belong here. It’s what I have been missing all my life. I love it.
So i feel like a little child.
I don’t know anything about anything and I hate it. One, my Spanish is not so good. Everyone tells me it’s good but I feel it’s crappy. Haha. I want results now!!! And two, I don’t know anything about scriptures, which really stinks. I have been studying them like crazy. My companion knows them really well. He chops the head off of anyone who tries to battle him. It’s crazy. I don’t know how he does it. And he does it in such a loving non-battling way. He always shuts them up. It’s awesome. I hope one day I can do that. I’m going to start reading the bible because the people here know it really well.

Ugh and the family I told you about last week that accepted my invitation to baptism can’t do it because they are not married. The husband wants to get married. He’s really trying to change, but the wife does not want to marry him because he used to be really bad to her. Now he’s treating her really well since we started coming and he wants to fix things. So right now it’s all in the wife’s hands. It’s crazy. We have really come across to them talking about families and how this gospel can help them both change and make their family happy. It’s working, so hopefully they get married. I’ll keep you guys updated. We have 4 other baptism dates scheduled. Two for sure are going to do it. We will see how the other two come along. I have faith that they will know it is the right thing to do.
Oh my goodness, today on preparation day, we took a jeep where you stand on the back of it and they drove us to go meet with the other missionaries to play soccer. The driver was crazy. He was flying and taking turns superfast and we were all in the back screaming, holding on for our lives. Haha. It was super fun.
There’s this new investigator that I found through dance. They are professional dancers and they heard from word of mouth about me. They watched my videos and were like “wow you’re amazing”. We started talking and I told them how I left that behind to share this awesome message of happiness. They were like “we want to know” and bam, as easy as that. That was my week. Super short but amazing filled with great experiences. I love you guys. Hope everyone is doing well. I’ll see you soon!!!!!!!! Haha. Love you.

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