Monday, August 11, 2014

Faith in Jesus Christ & miracles

Elder Gomez has served for 4 months already. Can't believe that!
Hola Familia,
It's so good to hear from you and all the great things that happened this week. I love you guys very much. I'm so glad you are having a family come over to the house and that you are helping the missionaries. More than anything the investigators need friends, invite them to something they like that you guys can do together. The missionaries do all the teaching but you guys  como miembros necesitan ser sus amigos (as members need to be their friends). They need to feel cómodos en la iglesia (comfortable at church). So éxitos con esa familia (wishing you success with that family).
Sorry for the Spanglish but I'm forgetting the English and my Spanish is still not quite there yet. I can't speak one or the other ha-ha. Dime con va todo con ellos y manda saludos de mi parte y que estoy muy feliz por ellos. (Let me know how everything goes with that family and please say hi to them from me and that I'm happy for them.)  El evangelio es el mejor cosa que pueden hacer como familia y que realmente pueden tener la certeza que su familia puede estar juntos por la eternidad. (The gospel is the best thing they can have as a family and they can be certain that their family can be together for all eternity.)

 Pues quiero como familia que todos podemos pensar cuanto confiamos en nuestro senor Jesucristo. El otro día mi compañero y yo estábamos hablando acerca de porque nosotros no podemos hacer milagros como los pioneros y llegamos a la conclusion que no tenemos suficiente fe y que no confiamos en el lo suficiente. Es algo que todos los días tenemos que pensar. Como podemos confiar en Jesucristo mas para realmente tenerlo en nuestras vidas? Yo se que puedo hacer cualquier milagro porque tengo la autoridad de Dios y se que si ustedes tienen fe y confían en el que pueden hacer y lograr todo lo que quieran. Les amo mucho y hablamos el próximo semana.      
I would like for you guys to think as a family how much do we trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. The other day my companion and I were talking about why we can't perform miracles like our pioneers did and we came to the conclusion that it's because we don't have enough faith and we don't have enough trust in Jesus. This is something we should think about every day. How can we trust more in Jesus so we can really have him in our lives? I know I can perform any miracle because I have the authority of God and if you will trust and have faith in him you can do and achieve everything you want. I love you very much and till next week.
Elder Gomez

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