Monday, October 27, 2014

I fell in love with Pasto!


I will start by answering some of your questions:
You asked me if I have had the interview with the 2 APs (assistant to the president) and I haven't yet we are going to have them tomorrow hopefully. I can't tell you how they are but I'm sure looking forward to the meeting then I can tell them that you are their fan ha-ha.

You asked about president Pricoli and what I like about him? He's great and a very spiritual person and that's really cool because that will help us as a mission.

You asked how our area is doing? Our area is going good kind of we need to find new investigators because we don't have anyone to baptize right now other then that family so we are on the hunt and that's kind of hard but we are working hard to make it happen.

There's cambios (transfers) in 3 weeks and I think I'm going to be changed because they always change the trainer. I know its 3 weeks away but it makes me sad because I fell in love with Pasto. I like it more than Cali. Its just so pretty and peaceful over here and the people are just awesome they are way more centered than the rest of Colombia. It's like a different country ha-ha but its cool.

This week has been a little hard because we had a family that was ready to get baptized and it fell through because one of the family member got sick and when she got better then her mom had to have surgery and they had to travel to Bogota for two weeks so we are still waiting to baptize them. I'm a little down because I think in 3 weeks I might get transferred and I won't be able to see them get baptized.

I want  to share a scripture that I like a lot that has helped me on my mission in D&C 75:29 "Let every man be diligent in all things. And the idler shall not have place in the church, except he repent and mend his ways." I have such a strong testimony now of this. When we are lazy we are never going to accomplish anything and through the lord everything is possible. Sometimes I have days where I wake up and say shoot I don't have baptisms, I don't have investigators and I just want to give up and not work because it seems too hard to find people and even more people who are ready to receive us. All my life I have lived that way if it's too hard I just don't do it. Here on the mission it has helped me a lot because I trust in the lord and I know that his ways are not the ways of giving up or being lazy so when I feel like giving up I remember that scripture and pray for help and the lord does help me. Another cool scripture is in D&C 68: 25, 28, 30 "25 And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents.", "28 And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord.", "30 And the inhabitants of Zion also shall remember their labors, inasmuch as they are appointed to labor, in all faithfulness; for the idler shall be had in remembrance before the Lord."
This scripture is for the whole family. Till next week, love you guys.
Elder Gomez

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